Lavender – French


Lavender is used for its essential oils. Extrac…

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SKU: 0278P Category: Tags: ,
Plant family: Lamiaceae
Plant origin: Lavenders originated in India and the Mediterranean.
Fruit description:
Flowers: The flowers occur in various shades of purple from mauve to deep blue-purple. They are tiny, produced in dense heads on erect spikes that stand above the leaves.
Growing conditions: Lavenders are lovely aromatic shrubs, grown as low hedges, in pots or grouped. Plant it along a narrow path so the perfume is released as you brush against the foliage. The leaves are tiny, greyish green, with toothed edges. Lavender loves sunshine. Grow it in well-drained soil, preferably slightly alkaline. Prune the plant back when flowering is over to keep the shrub compact.
Uses: Lavender is used for its essential oils. Extracts can be used in soaps, lotions, perfumes, candles. Dried flower spikes are used to perfume linen.
Medicinal uses:
Pollination requirements: Self-Pollinating
Harvest time All year.
Plant relatives
Special features:
Grown by method: Cutting Grown Pot size: 100mm
Plant growing Height and Width for pots or in the ground planting: Grows to 1 metres high by 1 metres wide if Planted in a Pot. Grows 1 metres high by 1 metres wide if Planted in the Ground.
Shipping plant pot or planter bag size: 100mm


Lavender is used for its essential oils. Extracts can be used in soaps, lotions, perfumes, candles. Dried flower spikes are used to perfume linen.