Mint – Garden or Common
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SKU: 0431P
Category: Plants
Tags: Common Mint, Garden Mint, Lamiaceae, Mentha crispa
Plant family: Lamiaceae
Plant origin: Europe and the Americas.
Fruit description:
Flowers: The Mentha species flowers are tiny, white or purple, appearing on the tips of the branches in Summer.
Growing conditions: Mint is a perennial evergreen herb, which grows to about 30cm tall. It grows easily and spreads via rhizomes. You might want to restrict it to a pot! The Mentha species leaves are oval, ribbed, dark green, about 4cm long. Peppermint has reddish stems. Applemint also has a variegated form which is pretty. Mentha mints have a distinctive fresh clean “cool“ aroma. Mentha mints like a cool, warm or temperate climate, but doesn't like frost or prolonged cold weather. Grow your mint in any well-drained soil, in part sun or shade. Water it well in Summer. It doesn't need feeding! It grows well in a pot. Vietnamese mint likes rich, moist soil and some sunshine each day. It has lance shaped green leaves with a reddish arc on each leaf. Cut all mints back hard in Winter and they will shoot vigorously in warm weather.
Uses: Common mint, Applemint, Spearmint or Peppermint is used in teas or in cold drinks, like punch, or added to water or soda water to make it aromatic and refreshing. Add common mint to salads especially tabouleh and other Middle Eastern salads such as Fattoush. Mentha mints are used in desserts -they are especially good with chocolate. They are good in jellies, syrups, cordials, relish. Mint makes an attractive garnish for fruit or vegetables. Mentha mints are lovely with steamed peas. Extracts of the Mentha mints are used in chewing gum, toothpaste, cosmetics, massage oil and other personal care products. They freshen the breath.
Medicinal uses: Mentha mints contain menthol which is a good remedy for indigestion. It is also excellent for clearing nasal and chest congestion when you have a cold. Inhale the steam from a few drops of oil in very hot water.
Pollination requirements: Self-Pollinating.
Harvest time Pick the leaves any time you wish to use them. Mints can be dried and stored in an airtight container.
Plant relatives
Special features:
Grown by method: Cutting Grown Pot size: 100mm
Plant growing Height and Width for pots or in the ground planting: Grows to 0.3 metres high by 0.3 metres wide if Planted in a Pot. Grows 0.3 metres high by 0.3 metres wide if Planted in the Ground.
Shipping plant pot or planter bag size: 100mm