Nashi Fruit – Tsu Li


The Ya Li and Tsu Li varieties of Nashi Fruit ar…

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Plant family: Rosaceae
Plant origin: Japan, China and Korea.
Fruit description: The Ya Li and Tsu Li varieties of Nashi Fruit are round, smooth-skinned, juicy, and crisp fruit, the same size and shape as an apple. The skin is speckled dull yellow or light brown when ripe. The flesh is crisp, very juicy and sweet, with a flavour similar to apples and pears.
Flowers: The flowers are white 4cm in diameter, and have 5 petals. They appear in early Spring while the tree is still deciduous and dormant with no leaves, which makes the tree a spectacular sight of white flowers.
Growing conditions: The Nashi tree grows to 4 metres. It is deciduous and very frost tolerant. The Ya Li and Tsu Li varieties of Nashi Fruit can also be grown in temperate and subtropical climates. It is possible to plant Nashi Fruit trees any time, but the best time is in Winter or early Spring when it is still dormant. Nashi prefers deep, fertile, well-drained soil. It is a good idea to dig in organic matter a few weeks before planting. Do not fertilise a newly planted tree, wait until it is growing actively. Feed the tree with complete fertiliser in Spring. Mulch and water the tree in the growing season. You can prune the tree to an open vase shape to maximise light and pollination, and to easily access the ripe fruit. You can grow Nashi Fruit trees in a pot.
Uses: Eat Nashi Fruit fresh, in fruit salads, or savoury salads. Try Nashi Fruit as a substitute for apples in recipes. Nashi Fruit taste great with walnuts or pecans. Nashi and cheeses are a perfect combination, especially blue cheeses, cheddar or hard cheeses like parmesan. Nashi Fruit don't go brown like apples when they are cut, so they keep well in fruit salad and platters. Nashi Fruit can also be juiced, preserved, or made into chutneys.
Medicinal uses: Nashi Fruit are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and folate.
Pollination requirements: Nashi Fruit trees can Self-Pollinate, but it is preferable to have one each of the Ya Li and Tsu Li varieties to pollinate each other for an abundance of fruit.
Harvest time Nashi Fruit ripen November to March. For excellent flavour, pick the fruit when ripe and use it within a few days or store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Overripe fruit loses its crispness.
Plant relatives Nashi Fruit are related to Apples and Pears.
Special features:
Grown by method: Grafted Pot size: 6 litre
Plant growing Height and Width for pots or in the ground planting: Grows to 3 metres high by 2 metres wide if Planted in a Pot. Grows 4 metres high by 3 metres wide if Planted in the Ground.
Shipping plant pot or planter bag size: 6 litre


The Ya Li and Tsu Li varieties of Nashi Fruit are round, smooth-skinned, juicy, and crisp fruit, the same size and shape as an apple. The skin is speckled dull yellow or light brown when ripe. The flesh is crisp, very juicy and sweet, with a flavour similar to apples and pears.